Economic impact evaluation
Under the coordination of the Estonian Ministry of Interior planning unit, a country wide planning seminar took place on the 27th of February 2014, where the preparation of county planning and other related topics were discussed. A joint presentation on the topic of “Economic impact evaluation in county planning” was held by OÜ Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv and OÜ Head consultant Kaur Lass. The presenters expressed the opinion, that county planning consists of precise central government’s planning, which enables to direct institutions, economy and the natural environment as a whole, taking into consideration the expected regional development. Concerning the contentwise preparation of county planning, we are dealing with a process, where national and local interests have to be combined. With the help of economic impact evaluation, an optimal agreement can be found between the placement and regulation of objects and sites and free permissions. County planning has to ensure optimal (economical) possibilities for the functioning of local government’s national infrastructure (roads, railways, water ways, airports, harbours, power lines, production sites and health network). The direction of institutional development, recovery of natural resources, determination of nature protection and the economic impact evaluation of green zones are the bases for decision-making, which is valuable for ensuring the county’s sustainability, both from national and regional point of view. County planning has the possibility to influence politics, including the improvement of business environment.
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