Entrepreneurship week in Elva
In the framework the Estonian Entrepreneurship Week, the entrepreneurship forum „Elva 2020“ took place in Elva on the 8th of October 2015. The event was opened by the mayor of Elva, Eva Kams. Her speech focused on the properties of a good entrepreneurship environment and which actions the local government of Elva takes to develop it. Also Geomedia consultant, Rivo Noorkõiv, offered a presentation on the perspectives for regional environment and the labor market in Estonia. The executive director of BuildIT, Aleksander Tõnnisson, presented on enterprises and Startups. The local enterprises of Elva introduced their company history, among them were: the head of the football equipment online shop “Global Soccerstore”, Eneli Õigus, and Liivi Einstein, head of Elva hospital which offers medication and rehabilitation services. The objective of the week was to increase entrepreneurship and develop entrepreneurial knowledge in Estonia. For more information, see: http://elva.kovtp.ee/uudised-ja-teated
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