Public transport development in Tallinn
Geomedia prepared the development plan of Tallinn Public Transport Ltd (Tallinna Linnatranspordi AS, TLT for short) for the years 2015-2024. TLT’s core activity is the organization of passenger transport by bus, trolleybus and tram within the united ticketing system of Tallinn, based on the passenger transport public service contract with the Transport Department of Tallinn. In the development plan, the environment of the capital’s public transport is analysed together with the documents related to the development of Tallinn’s public transport. Based on the input, three different development scenarios were prepared.
The first scenario, the continuity scenario, predicts the development of the TLT passenger transport service in the situation where Transport Department of Tallinn makes no major changes in its commission. The second scenario, the transport optimisation and smart technology scenario, focuses on the probable developments in case Transport Department would make significant changes in service commission which would transform the allocation of the means of public transport and change the network of public transport lines. The third scenario focuses on connecting the airport with the tram line. TLT’s long-term goals were defined, indicators were set for results’ measurement and activity feedback, and cash flow was calculated for the different scenarios.
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