RegPol2 PhD Workshop at Tartu Planners’ Conference
On November 3-4, 2016 the traditional Tartu Planners’ Connference takes place. This year’s conference includes more than 60 presentations focusing on “Spatial Inequality and Planning”. The keynote lectures will be held by Prof. Marju Lauristin and the Minister of Public Administration Arto Aas. The sessions will discuss inequality in urban areas and on the housing market, which will be analyzed by planners, architects, geographers, sociologists and real estate developers. Moreover, the presenters will focus on environmental protection and the evaluation of environmental impact, the consequences of climate change, transport and smart city development.
The conference will also include a RegPol2 workshop organized by six PhD students, who are researching peripheralization processes in Estonia. The researchers from Estonia, Germany, Netherlands and Canada will introduce their first results focusing on Estonian regional- and innovations policies and the role of public leaders shaping peripheralization. One of them is Geomedia PhD student Bianka Plüschke-Altof. Consultant Rivo Noorkõiv will moderate the session that offers researchers as well as practitioners the opportunity to give feedback to the preliminary research results. The English-speaking session takes place on the 3rd of November 2016 at the Omicum of Tartu University.
For more information, see: and
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