Tartu urban region development
Geomedia prepares Tartu’s urban region sustainable development strategy and action plan, including Tartu city, Luunja parish, Tartu parish, Tähtvere parish and Ülenurme parish. Alltogether, the urban region has 120.900 inhabitants, out of which 81% live in Tartu city. In particular, the focus is going to be on those development actions topics, whose solution requires the cooperation of the urban region’s local government units or the coordination of their activities. Answering to the European Union’s structural funds regulations, at least 5% of the European Union’s Regional Fund’s (ERF) support in the budgeting period 2014-2020 are to be directed towards the urban region’s sustainable development. The implementation of methods for “Urban regions’ sustainable development” and “Ida-Viru region sustainable development” were set as priorities. Whereas the former is directed to Tallinn’s, Tartu’s and Pärnu’s urban regions and the latter is towards Narva and Jõhvi/Kohtla-Järve urban regions.
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