The future of European spatial development
From 27th to 29th of September 2017 a conference on “Coping with Uneven Development: Socio-economic and political responses to regional polarization” was organized in Leipzig by the RegPol² project, which Geomedia Ltd is a part of. The meeting focused on policy formations that advance social, economic and territorial cohesion in the European Union. The objective of the conference was to exchange conclusions on socio-spatial polarization processes, focusing on political, economic and societal strategies and current regional, social and economic limitations and their negative impacts all over Europe. The conference also included academic presentations, among them a presentation of Geomedia employee Bianka Plüschke-Altof who introduced the results of her PhD research under the heading “Image-Making as the Solution?” (in collaboration with Martiene Grootens), interactive discussions, video presentations and two excursions.
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