About the firm
Mission and vision
Consultation and supervision
Conducting trainings and seminars
Project writing and management
Development plans
Analysis and surveys
Local governments merge analysis
Regional development plans
Business plans and developmental plans of organizations
International projects
International projects
Emajõe Riverland Spatial Development Zone (PHARE)
Development Model of SME in the Local Government (PHARE)
Territorial Monitoring in a European Macro Region – A test for the Baltic Sea Region
Linking up for Mobility in Europe, Leonardo da Vinci II – EL-i ametikoolitusprogramm
Medium-Sized Cities in Dialogue around the Baltic Sea (MECIB)
Balanced Development of Water Tourism and Natural Environment on Emajõe-Peipsi Waterway
System of Statistical Indicators on Municipal Level
ESPON program project “Territorial Monitoring for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR TeMo)
RegPol² (
RegPol project
WHOLE – Work and Home in Our Life in Europe (Töö-ja pereelu ühitamine läbi lastevanemate koolituse)
CSR/SME – Promoting the Social Responisbility in Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Leonardo da Vinci II – EL-i ametikoolitusprogramm
The South-East Estonian Leadership Programme (PHARE)
The South-East Estonian Leadership Programme (PHARE)
Preparation Local Government Development Plans. Estonian-Danish Governmental Cooperation
Tourism Opportunities and Planning – a CBC initiative between South-Estonia and North-Latvia, PHARE CBC
CLEAR (Cultural Learning Engaging All Regionally) for Learning Partnerships, EL haridusprogrammi Socrates allprogramm Grundtvig