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Sepp, V. (2012). Inoperative provinces, immobile regions and the geography of heterogeneous associations: the case of absent territorial border change in Estonia. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography 94(1)

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Sepp V, Noorkõiv, R, Loodla K (2009) ” Local government index: methodology and results 2005-2008, pp 3-34 Municipalities and towns in figures . Statistics Estonia

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Elva recreation area and it’s visitors. Vapramäe-Vellavere-Vitipalu Foundation yesterday, today and tomorrow. Nõo 2006

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Värnik, R., Moor, A., Sepp, V., Põder, A., Prits, M. and Leetsar, J. (2011). Land and rural areas. Rural development report 2011 . Tartu: Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Economy and Socia

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Promoting an European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility. Green Book (unofficial translation)

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l Sciences

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Local Government Development Plan. (Handbook / pdf 912 kB)

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Learning parent. Development partnership “Connecting work and family life through parents training”

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Jobrotation (Presentation of the Jobrotation concept in Estonia) (*.pdf 1,41 MB)

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Regional Foresight in Estonia and Southern Finland. General Theory, Specific Cases. Mika Aaltonen – Rivo Noorkõiv.

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Parents training curricula. The European Union Initiative EQUAL development partnership “Connecting work and family life through parents training” results.

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Noorkõiv, R (2010) “Village mayor and good governance” Külakiri special edition

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Noorkõiv, R., Haljaste, K.-L., Randaru, Ü., Sepp, V. (2009) “ Recommendations for preparing the strategy for a local action group’s target region in the framework of Leader-measure” Estonian Ministry of Agriculture

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Noorkõiv, R. (2010). Connectivity in Estonian spatial planning and regional development policy. Territorial Cohesion – Baltic Sea Region examples pp 46-47

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Regional Foresight in Estonia and Southern Finland. General Theory, Specific Cases. Mika Aaltonen – Rivo Noorkõiv.

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Strateeg- Development of Helsinki-Tallinn metropolitan regions

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Sepp, V and Noorkõiv R (2010) “Regional development and living environment (chapter 3). Estonian Human Development Report 2009 Tallinn: Estonian Cooperation Assembly

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Sepp V. ja Veemaa, J. (2010). The reproduction of Estonian provinces in the context of transitional administrative reform. European Urban and Regional Studies 17(4): 417–432

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Sepp V (2011) Importance of urban centers in rural areas of Estonia: connection of work and study. Rural development report 2011. Tartu: Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Economy and Social Sciences

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Noorkõiv,R., (2016). Village elderies based community model. Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia 1/2016, pp. 151-160.

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County plans. Result analysis. Proposals. Rivo Noorkõiv

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Noorkõiv, R., Nõmm, M. (2016). Competency-based assessment of training needs of local government employees. pp 58-86. Regional development in Estonia 2016.

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CSR State of the Art

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Noorkõiv, R., Antov, D. (2016). Development of mobility environment in Tallinn: a challenge for public transport. Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia 3/2016. Pp 116-141.