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Article “The reproduction of Estonian provinces in the context of transitional administrative reform” Veiko Sepp, Jaanus Veemaa published in European Urban and Regional Studies

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Noorkõiv, R. (2015). Apartment market as indicator of level of regional development. Regional development in Estonia 2015. pp. 170-175.

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Blažauskas N.; Fedorov G.; Klimenko N., Küle L., Noorkõiv R.,Semenkevich D., (2009). Potentials of the East – Baltic States, Russia and Belarus. Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung. Raumplannung und–entwicklung in der Ostseeregion. Heft 8/9.2009 pp 569-586

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Noorkõiv,R., (2016). Village elderies based community model. Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia 1/2016, pp. 151-160.

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County plans. Result analysis. Proposals. Rivo Noorkõiv

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Noorkõiv, R., Nõmm, M. (2016). Competency-based assessment of training needs of local government employees. pp 58-86. Regional development in Estonia 2016.

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CSR State of the Art

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Noorkõiv, R., Antov, D. (2016). Development of mobility environment in Tallinn: a challenge for public transport. Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia 3/2016. Pp 116-141.

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Noorkõiv, R., Johansson, U. _Comparative atlas of local municipalities in Estonian and Sweden._ Geomedia and SWECO, 2014.

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Noorkõiv, R., Plüschke-Altof, B. (2015). Suburbanisation and identity: macro- and microlevel factors on the case of Viimsi rural municipality. Regional Development in Estonia 2015. pp. 182-211.

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Vinni, R., Paabusk, K., Uudelepp, A., Sarapuu, K., Tamsar, T., Noorkõiv, R. _Elections 2015. Topics paper on state goverment reform: A credible, capable and prosperous country_. Praxis, 2015.

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Rivo Noorkõiv and Mikk Lõhmus (2015). Administrative reform in Estonia – decreasing voluntary amalgamations

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Antti Roose, Rivo Noorkõiv and Martin Gauk (2015). Suburbanization in Tartu

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Rauno Vinni, Kaido Paabusk, Annika Uudelepp, Külli Sarapuu, Toomas Tamsar, Rivo Noorkõiv (2015). Trustworthy, capable and affordable state. Elections 2015

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Local government development based on development plan. Development plan as premise of judicious operation of European Union Structural Funds´ support. (Handbook)

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Article “Investments of local governments and financial capability: situation and it’s impact of development” Karin-Liis Haljaste, Rivo Noorkõiv, Veiko Sepp

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Kattai, K., Sootla, G., Noorkõiv, R., Lõhmus, M. (2017). Local government administrative reform policy options for 2016-2017. Articles Collection. Estonian local government and units – restoration and development 1989-2017. Pp361-374.