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training “Defining the role of local governments in the implementation of the activities outlined in the Estonian Integration Programme 2008–2013″ (cooperation with Praxis and Institute of Baltic Studies)

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training ” Evaluating the strategical environmental impacts and environmental impacts- similar but still different”

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training for the members of health promoting kindergarden and schools network (cooperation with National Institute for Health Development)

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training” Place names and address operations in Ida-Viru county”

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training “Planning the local government development”

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training “Impact analysis of local government legal acts and decisions, involving different parties”

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Strategic planning and public services trainig for municipalities of Otepää region (Otepää, Palupera, Puka, Sangaste)

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training ” Local government development actions and team work”

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Training “Civic organisations and local government financing models”

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trainings about county development plan preparations

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“State and local governments cooperation” in different counties (ordered by Ministri of Finance and Ministry of Interior)

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trainings for village development plan preparations

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Citizen initiatives, rural life development and improving it’s performance for Eesti Külaliikumine Kodukant trainers

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local government management training for different local governments

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theoretical and practical topics of development plan – training in Rapla county

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training program for senior officials (Geomedia participated in consortium)

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Training cycle “Impact analysis of local government legal acts and decisions” (ordered by Ministry of Finance)

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“Raising the administrative capacity of local government units through the cooperation of local governments” (cooperation with ATAK)

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training “Local government role on organizing social welfare and public health”

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Trainings of financial management in different places of Estonia