Euroacademia International Conference in Riga
In the framework of the RegPol2 project, Geomedia employee and PhD candidate Bianka Plüschke-Altof participated in the 5th Euroacademia International Conference, which took place in Riga on January, 29-30, 2016. The conference was held under the motto “Re-inventing Eastern Europe” and organized in seven panels, ranging from identity and peripheralization discourses to socio-economic transformation in different fields of life. The conference focused on East-West dichotomies and on Western European imaginations of Eastern Europe. In the panel on “Imagined Geographies of Eastern Europe and Readings of the Past”, Bianka Plüschke-Altof discussed first results of her PhD project under the title “Rescaling Postcolonial Approaches: The Making of Rural Peripheries in Estonian Media Discourse”. For more information, see:
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