Summer conference on local government development
On the 25th of August 2016 a conference took place in the Aruküla community house entitled „Local government as base for Estonia’s recovery – maybe even a change engine!“. The traditional conference organized by NGO Polis and its partners was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Estonia regaining its independence. It similarly marked the 150th anniversary of the creation of Estonia’s public administration. In 1866 the first local government law was implemented under the name „Rural community law for the Baltic Sea provinces Riga, Tallinn and Kurama“. Topics of discussion were the 100th anniversay of the Republic of Estonia and its local governments, fiscal autonomy and local governments as well as the local government and state reform. It was analysed if the historical experiences is helpful for the implementation of the planned administrative changes and if the state and the local governments are ready to continue with the reform. The common presentation of Kersten Kattai, Mikk Lõhmus, Sulev Lääne, Sulve Mäeltsemees, Rivo Noorkõiv, Garri Raagmaa, Uno Silberg, Georg Sootla and Eerik-Juhan Truuväli focused on the topic „Is it possible to ensure an effective and cohesive community advancement and a sustainable cooperation with the public power?“.>
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