Analysis and surveys.

Finance prognosis of Maidla rural municipality

Development of South Estonian institutional cooperation model and evaluation administrative capacity of South-Estonia Tourism Foundation

Changes in Soviet summerhouse areas

Consulting the development plan of Narva : form of action plan, principles and guidelines and implementation monitoring system

The sample of health factors survey

Effects of the raising the retirement age in Tallinn. Analysis and assessment

Increasing the cooperation and the administrative capacity in the capital city region

Financial prognosis of Põltsamaa city

The financial analysis of Viljandi town and municipality

The Evaluation of The Necessity and Potential Outcomes of the Administrative Integration of Keila Town, Estonia

Tartu population forecast until 2035

Central-Peipsi port profitability and feasibility analysis. Report.

Competence mapping and the analysis of the training needs of local government servants and employees

Estonia Civil Society Indicators System

Public services availability and content analysis (cooperation with Praxis)

Population in Estonia rural corners (“kant”) and social infrastructure services. Counties social infrastructure thematic planning analysis and proposals for a nationwide planning Estonia 2030+

Estonia Civil Society Development Concept – impact assessment and achievement indicators

The impact and opportunities of entrepreneurship in the regions of urban sprawl on the geographical territory of Harku, Saue, Saku and Kiili rural municipalities. Development of strategic starting points. Final report.

CSR Glossary (in alphabetical order)

The use of geo-information and spatial information in the Saue rural municipality

Population projections of Harju county cities and rural areas 2006-2020

Ida-Viru social infrastructure analysis