Renewal of Tartu 2030 Strategic Document
Tartu 2030 is the basic document for the city’s leading strategy purposefully build up a better future for nowadays’ and future inhabitants of Tartu. Prudent and smart choices help to face societal changes and further move towards the main idea of doing the right things in the right order at the right time. Tartu 2030 was confirmed in city council 2006 and for the first time revised in 2010. This time, Tartu’s long term vision will be once more reviewed. In the vision, Tartu is seen as five progressing cities in a balanced unity: city of knowledge, city of entrepreneurship, city with a modern living environment, caring city and creative city. The objective of this work is to find appropriate corrections to the plan in dialogue with the borad public.
Tartu, the second biggest city in Estonia in terms of population, is a national growth centre whose dynamic derives mainly from its strong international academic reputation and Tartu’s position as education, science and medical centre as well as carrier of the national culture. For the revision of the development strategy, separate meetings were organized with inhabitants of Tartu and different interest groups. At the homepage of the city of Tartu, it is possible to fill in a questionnaire and make own proposals for the development of Tartu’s future. Likewise, those interested can take part in seminars and meetings, participate in open discussions with city inhabitants etc. The revision of the development strategy is supervised by Geomedia OÜ.
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