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Local Government and Entrepreneurship

Under the leadership of the Local Government in Keila Municipality on  the 8^th of June 2017 a conference took place in Laulasmaa focusing on  “Collaboration of Local Governments and Entrepreneurs: How to Achieve  more Prosperity and Economic Growth in Estonia”. At the center of the  debate was the possible collaboration...
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Presentation of Research Results at Berlin Research Colloquium

On the 16th of December 2016 Geomedia PhD student Bianka Plüschke-Altof was invited to a Social Sciences colloquium at the Humboldt-University. Under the title „Re-inventing Setomaaa. The Challenges of Fighting Rural Stigmatization“ she introduced her first research results. On the case of Setomaa the presenter discussed the influence of spatial images on rural development in...
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The social system of the future Põltsamaa municipality

Geomedia Ltd analyses the organization of the social service system in  the municipalities of Pajusi, Puurmanni and Põltsamaa as well as  Põltsamaa town. In the course of this analysis, the need for social  service and social support will be mapped as well as the system of  urgent social support and...
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Employment opportunities should wisely support regional development

The rural weekly newspaper Maaleht (12.01.2017) published Rivo Noorkõiv’s article under the title “Employment opportunities should wisely support regional development”. In Estonia, about 657.000 people are employed, out of which 591.000 work as wage earners. Solely in the public sector altogether 135.300 people are fully employed, out of which ca...
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Amalgamation reform discussion

In the TV series “Rahvaadvokaat” Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv,  former state minister Raivo Vare and the moderator Andra Veidemann  discussed the topic of the amalgamation reform. For more information,  see: http://www.tallinnatv.eu/saated-sarjad/arutelu/rahvaadvokaat/14762-2017-09-21-rahvaadvokaat(2017.09.21)
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Forum analyzed amalgamation reform

On the 4th of November the Estonian Broadcast TV show “Forum” made the amalgamation reform subject of discussion. Participants in the discussion were the Minister of State Administration, Arto Aas, and the Members of Parliament, Jüri Ratas, Siim Kiisler and Henn Põlluaas. Külli Taro from the Foundation Estonian Cooperation Assembly...