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OÜ GEOMEDIA geomedia@geomedia.ee +372 5132 414


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Fishing Regions’ Development

On behalf of the Estonian Ministry of Agriculture, Ernst & Young Baltic AS conducted a study on “The impact of Fishing Region’s Sustainable Development Measures on sea side and inner water fishing and local development”. The content of this work is to evaluate the use of the fishing fonds’ 2007-2013...
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The Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu examined the migration of Estonia’s population

On May 7, 2012 The Centre for Ethics of The University of Tartu held a round table conference, which addressed the topic of the migration of Estonia's population and it's effects on the society. The presentations featured at the conference concentrated on Estonian communities abroad, the motives for leaving Estonia...
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Haljala municipality development plan

On September 7, 2012 Haljala rural municipality government hosted a seminar dedicated to the development plan of the local government unit. Geomedia presented suggestions for the updates of the development plan of Haljala rural municipality with the key words of wise usage of local resources, goal oriented actions, alignment and...
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Estonian Ministry of Interior advices local governments with the wish to amalgamate

With resources from the European Social Fund, the Estonian Ministry of Interior supports an advisory team for local governments, which plan to amalgamate. In particular, they wish to offer assistance to local governments in preparing for the amalgamation, leading negotiations, identifying public opinion etc. so that the amalgamation can be...
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An article at “Geografiska Annaler”

Geomedia's analyst Veiko Sepp published an article titled “Inoperative provinces, immobile regions and the geography of heterogeneous associations: the case of absent territorial border change in Estonia” in one of the most prominent Nordic magazines in the field of human geography: the “Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. Issue of...
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Training event in Hiiumaa

On October 30, 2012 Geomedia organised a training event in Hiiumaa titled “Preparing local and county-wide developmental documents for managing change”. The participants of the training were the members the island’s local governments, county government officials and members of non-governmental organizations. The event was part of the preparation process of...
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Meeting with the Youth to School Foundation

Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv met with the Youth to School Foundation on the topic of the Estonian administrative organization and regional development. Together they discussed the future trends for Estonia and had a look at the different pillars of centralization/decentralization in state governance. At the centre of the discussion was...
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Conference “Europe Day with Leader”

On May 9, 2012 a conference called “Europe Day with Leader” was held at Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, which focused on the 2007-2013 development policy for Estonian rural life and the implementation of the Leader Program. The event was addressed to everybody, who is interested in rural development and counted...
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About the administrative reform

“Koduvald” – the newspaper of Saue rural municipality published Rivo Noorkõiv’s article titled “The spiral staircase of governing a country”. The author published his opinion on the thesises by the Minister for Regional Affairs on the reform of local governments. The administrative reform is a question of power. The changes...
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Think tanks on Tartu’s future

Within the framework of the renewal of Tartu’s 2030 Strategy, Geomedia in cooperation with Tartu city government initiates think tanks, which focus on the discussion of Tartu’s future. Until today the exchange of ideas has centred on the role and position of Tartu as a second city next to the...