Rahvusvahelised projektid.
- ESPON programm Läänemereriikide territoriaalne monitooring (TeMo)
- ESPON. Territorial Monitoring for the Baltic Sea Region
- RegPol² (http://www.regpol2.eu/
- RegPol
- WHOLE – Work and Home in Our Life in Europe (Töö-ja pereelu ühitamine läbi lastevanemate koolituse)
- CSR/SME – Promoting the Social Responisbility in Small and Medium Size Enterprises, Leonardo da Vinci II – EL-i ametikoolitusprogramm
- The South-East Estonian Leadership Programme (PHARE)
- The South-East Estonian Leadership Programme (PHARE)
- Preparation Local Government Development Plans. Estonian-Danish Governmental Cooperation
- Tourism Opportunities and Planning – a CBC initiative between South-Estonia and North-Latvia, PHARE CB
- CLEAR (Cultural Learning Engaging All Regionally) for Learning Partnerships, EL haridusprogrammi Socrates allprogramm Grundtvig
- Linking up for Mobility in Europe, Leonardo da Vinci II – EL-i ametikoolitusprogramm
- Medium-Sized Cities in Dialogue around the Baltic Sea (MECIB)
- Balanced Development of Water Tourism and Natural Environment on Emajõe-Peipsi Waterway
- System of Statistical Indicators on Municipal Level
- Emajõe Riverland Spatial Development Zone (PHARE)
- Development Model of SME in the Local Government (PHARE)
- Territorial Monitoring in a European Macro Region – A test for the Baltic Sea Region