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OÜ GEOMEDIA geomedia@geomedia.ee +372 5132 414


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Estonian and Swedish local government comparison atlas

As result of the cooperation between Geomedia and Sweco Eurofutures, the “Local government comparison atlas: Estonia and Sweden in 12 pictures” was published. It comprises of comparison maps on the basis of the countries’ local government characteristic indicators, which include inhabitants, economics and information on the local governments’ budget. Through...
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Kodukant movement mentors’ training

Geomedia consultant took part as trainer in the Estonian Village Movement Kodukant mentors’ training project “Raise villages”. In the training, the regional development in Estonia was discussed and solutions for the enhancement of community capabilities were searched for in order to take part in leading the future local development. The...
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Negotiations for a merger of rural municipalities

Geomedia is consulting the negotiations of a possible merger between Kose and Kõue rural municipalities. By now, the first of five discussion sessions between the two parties has ended. The interim report of the work of committees is being discussed in the councils of both local governments, and based on...
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Expert opinion on economic impact evaluation on county planning

Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv and OÜ Head consultant Kaur Lass, on behalf of the Estonian Ministry for Interior’ Planning unit, prepared an expert opinion on economic impact evaluation on county planning. The objective was to give practical directions for the facilitation of economic development and the strategic evaluation of the...
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Viimsi parish prepares development plan

The government of Viimsi parish in cooperation with Geomedia is renewing its development plan. The objective is to make the ongoing development plan more compact, integrate different fields of expertise and to include an analytical monitoring part in the document. Out of the analysis of the municipality’s situation, important parts...
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A study tour in Finland

An employee of Geomedia participated in a two-day study tour in Finland, during which the development of Finnish regional planning and the applications of regional policy were discussed. The trip also included a visit to the newest living quarters of Helsinki and a discussion of the innovations in urban environment.
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Appeal: The administrative reform’s start should not be further postponed

The administrative reform has been discussed in Estonia for a long time, but this has unfortunately not lead to action. In their appeal, the signatories ask the members of the Estonian parliament to adopt an administrative organization law draft in the turn of this year, because then the reform would...
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Opinion festival

Once again, the opinion festival in Paide Vallimägi took place on August, 15.-16. 2014. The objective was to set up a meeting place for developing citizen education as well as an open and growing opinion culture in Estonia, which includes the whole society. In the preliminary program, 160 discussions on...
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Local Governments Association of Viljandi County is preparing its strategy

Local Governments Association of Viljandi County (VOL) is preparing its strategy, which will be in force until 2017. In relation to this, Geomedia hosted a strategy seminar for the executive officers of the local governments of Viljandi County on June 11, 2012. The emphasis of the seminar was on discussing...
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Economic impact evaluation

Under the coordination of the Estonian Ministry of Interior planning unit, a country wide planning seminar took place on the 27th of February 2014, where the preparation of county planning and other related topics were discussed. A joint presentation on the topic of “Economic impact evaluation in county planning” was...