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Geomedia presented at LEADER Information Days in Jäneda

On the LEADER Information Days organized by the Estonian Rural Economy Research Centre on June 15-16, 2016 in Jäneda, Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv and RegPol2 fellow Bianka Plüschke-Altof were invited to present their current research projects to representatives of the Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs, the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (PRIA) as well...
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Local Government Amalgamation Negotiations

Geomedia's employees are involved in local government amalgamation negotiation cooperation, providing both consultancy and research. The work is currently going on with the amalgamation regions in Järva, Lääne and Valga county. In the framework of the amalgamation talks, in addition to the preparation and hosting of negotiations, several background analyses...
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Tõrva rural municipality – a new local government unit

On the 21st of June 2016, the municipality councils of Helme, Hummuli and Põdrala rural as well as Tõrva urban municipalities have signed an amalgamation treaty. As a result of the amalgamation, the new local government unit Tõrva – covering 600 m2 and 6500 inhabitants – will come into being...
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Meeting with the President of the Estonian Parliament

On the 25th of February 2016 a meeting took place between the President of the Estonian Parliament, Eiki Nestor, and NGO Polis and its partners, the researchers in the field of local governments and the representatives of the local government unions. The topics of the meeting covered current national development...
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Ensuring child welfare

The child protection law (entered into force on 01.01.2016) specifies the functions of local government units and provides that the children rights and the compliance with the principles of child welfare should be outlined in the local governments' development plans. Geomedia is conducting a training, which focuses on drafting local government development plans that provide...
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Management Audit for Saue City

Geomedia is conducting the management and work organization audit for Saue city government. The analysis is carried out using a combination of evaluation methodolodies that take into account the nature of public sector (CAF Common Assessment Framework, EFQM Excellence Model). Instruments of the work include structured interviews, secondary analysis of...
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Summer school for village activists in Jäneda

On 10.-11. September 2016 the Estonian Village Movement Kodukant organized a summer school that took place at the Rural Economy Research Centre in Jäneda. The meeting focused on the question how to deal with changes on the community level? The points of discussion were the possibilities to enlarge the knowledge...
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Initial Training Network RegPol² secondment

As part of the Initial Training Network RegPol² Martin Graffenberger will be seconded to Geomedia during March and April 2016. Martin holds a degree in Economic Geography and is usually based at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) in Leipzig, Germany. His project investigates innovation activities of businesses that...
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Summer conference on local government development

On the 25th of August 2016 a conference took place in the Aruküla community house entitled „Local government as base for Estonia’s recovery – maybe even a change engine!“. The traditional conference organized by NGO Polis and its partners was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Estonia regaining its independence....
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Employment opportunities should wisely support regional development

The rural weekly newspaper Maaleht (12.01.2017) published Rivo Noorkõiv’s article under the title “Employment opportunities should wisely support regional development”. In Estonia, about 657.000 people are employed, out of which 591.000 work as wage earners. Solely in the public sector altogether 135.300 people are fully employed, out of which ca...