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OÜ GEOMEDIA geomedia@geomedia.ee +372 5132 414


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Preparation of a new governance model for Pärnu County

Geomedia won the tender called “Needs assessment and action plan preparation for the reorganization of Pärnu county local government units’ joint organizations after the administrative reform”. At the center of this tender is the reorganization of joint organizations at the county level in order to ensure a holistic, balanced and...
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RegPol2 Workshop in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Organized by the RegPol2 consortium and the project partners from the Babeș-Bolyai University (UBB), a RegPol2 workshop took place from January 22-24, 2017 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The workshop focused on the research results related to peripheralization in Central-Eastern Europe that were achieved in the framework of the RegPol2 project. It...
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Local Government Formation Training

In the first phase of the amalgamation reform 160 local governments were merged (47 merged regions). 23 local governments fulfill the legal minimum criterion of 5000 inhabitants and 26 local governments do not fulfill it and do not apply for amalgamation. 19 local governments in eight region are merging although they do not fulfill...
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Vision Conference in Võru

On the 14th of March 2017 the Vision Conference entitled “Let’s add some momentum to the wheels” (Annami tsõõrilõ vunki mano) took place in the Võru cultural center Kannel. The conference included plenary presentations and workshops. One of the workshops focusing on the question “How to breathe new life into the heritage conservation areas...
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Amalgamation related training cource

On the 22nd of March 2017, Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv and Cumulus Consulting consultant Mihkel Laan are conducting a training on “Preparing amalgamation in local government units”. The training’s objective is to assist local government units to successfully prepare before the upcoming municipality council elections in October 2017. The training will deal with important topics...
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Amalgamation reform- first phase end

The first phase of the amalgamation reform has now been finalized. In the course of the amalgamation negotiations, decision were taken about the formation of new local government units. The achieved agreements determine the number of inhabitants, the territorial configuration and the area of the future urban and rural municipalities. However, now it is...
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Amalgamation reform and self-determination in villages

Sociologist Ivi Proos and human geographer Rivo Noorkõiv discuss in the amalgamation reform blog how the amalgamation reform and the merger of local government units influence village communities and which opportunities communities have to take part in the merger negotiations. What influences peoples attitudes towards rural and urban municipality mergers, why are their opinions so...
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Urban and Rural Municipality Days 2017

On March, 15-16 2017, the annual “Urban and Rural Municipality Days” were held for the 13th time. During the fair-conference like event, many seminars, topical workshops and discussions took place. Although the target group were above all municipality leaders and specialist in the field, also officials from state institutions and the public sector, entrepreneurs...
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Public Defense of Bianka Plüschke-Altof’s dissertation

Geomedia PhD student Bianka Plüschke-Altof will publicly defend her dissertation on the 28^th of December 2017 at 13:15 at the University of Tartu (Oeconomicum, J. Liivi 4-214). Under the title “Images of the Periphery Impeding Rural Development?” the dissertation treats the peripheralization of Estonian rural areas under a new perspective. The current discussion on the administrative...
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Citizens of Tartu discuss Tartu’s future

Tartu city government draws up the new development plan for Tartu 2018-2025. It is constituted on the basis of the development strategy Tartu 2030 and the still valid city development plan until the year 2020. The objective is to specify the central topics for the city’s future and update the action plan. The decisions...