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OÜ GEOMEDIA geomedia@geomedia.ee +372 5132 414


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Managing development processes in local governments

On 10.-11. December 2015 Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv conducted a 2-days training on “Strategic Management and Local Government Development Planning” for local government leaders. The seminar focused on holistically managing development processes, forming multi-level governance and on development documentation systems as leadership tool for local governments. On the example of practical cases concrete solutions to...
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Leader internal evaluation training

On the 26th of August 2014, Geomedia in cooperation with OÜ Cumulus Consulting implemented an internal evaluation training with Leader action groups. The objective was to support the establishment of a monitoring- and internal evaluation system, lead the discussion on that topic and introduce the participants to opportunities for the...
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Public transport development in Tallinn

Geomedia prepared the development plan of Tallinn Public Transport Ltd (Tallinna Linnatranspordi AS, TLT for short) for the years 2015-2024. TLT’s core activity is the organization of passenger transport by bus, trolleybus and tram within the united ticketing system of Tallinn, based on the passenger transport public service contract with...
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Workshop on Regional Polarization in Békéscsaba, Hungary

On 21st of January 2016 Geomedia PhD student Bianka Plüschke-Altof took part in a workshop on regional polarization held at the Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (CERS HAS). Among researchers and students from Békéscsaba and Szeged in Hungary, Germany and Canada she...
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Ahja parish council discussed the amalgamation of local governments

At the reading of Ahja parish council on 17th September 2014, the amalgamation of the local government was part of the agenda. Part of the discussion is the Estonian Ministry’s of Interior advisory program, which is directed to support the voluntary amalgamation of local governments. At the meeting, Geomedia consultant...
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RegPol² doctoral school in Tartu

In the framework of the RegPol² project, the first international doctoral school took place in Tartu in February 2-6, 2015. The school was focused on scientific concepts and policy making related to spatial polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe. It consisted of keynote lectures by the invited academics, presentations by...
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Viimsi Education Analysis

Geomedia employees conducted an educational analysis for Viimsi municipality which consisted of preschool-education, general education and non-formal learning opportunities as well as their possible future trends based on kindergarten, primary- and secondary school age group dynamics. The analysis was carried out per educational institution. According to population statistics, in 2016...
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Leaders of Viljandi town and parish discussed the administrative future

On the 18th of September 2014, the leaders of Viljandi town and parish – council, commission and fractions chairs – met to discuss possibilities for future collaboration. In spring, the Estonian Ministry of Interior offered expert consultations concerning the topic of local government amalgamation and Viljandi town as well as...
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Tartu city population forecast 2035

In cooperation with the geographers from the University of Tartu, Geomedia is preparing the population forecast for the city of Tartu until 2035. The forecast consists of the analysis of change in the number, gender and age composition of the inhabitants through the last 10 years, and the potential developments...
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Local Government Leaders’ program

A consortium consisting of Geomedia OÜ, Cumulus Consulting OÜ and Implement Consulting OÜ is conducting a local government leaders’ development program. The objective of the training is to rise the knowledge of local government leaders on local and regional level development, which includes the ability to analyse development processes, plan...