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Pärnu county local government territorial scenarios

On behalf of the local government union of Pärnu county and Pärnu county government, Geomedia conducted an analysis of local government territorial scenarios. Against the backdrop of the ongoing administrative reform, the administrative-territorial options for Pärnu county were explored on three dimensions: territorial amalgamation of local government units, the fragmentation of local government territory into...
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2^nd Municipality Day

On 26^th of September 2017 the 2^nd Estonian Municipality Day took  place, which was dedicated to the 100^th Anniversary of the Republic of  Estonia and the restoration and development of local government units and unions in the years 1989-2017. In the course of this event, an  edited volume was published that...
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Article Mapping Estonian Village Elders

Applying the Village Elder Model is one way to organize rural life. Village elder based organization of local life is strongly linked to the general performance of the culture and local government. The duty of a village elder is not to fulfil orders of the municipality government, but to function as a leader for...
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Tartu Planners‘ Conference 2017

The third Tartu Planners‘ Conference took place on November, 2.-3. 2017. It mainly focused on the issue of planning and ethics, which was covered in the plenary speech by the Head of the Ethic Center of the University of Tartu, Prof. Margit Sutrop. However, the conference panels also discussed: planning methods, architectural planning, infrastructure...
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Amalgamation Reform Forum

On 20th of April 2016 a discussion forum devoted to the topic "Local Government Reform - will it succeed this time?" took place at the conference center of the Estonian Parliament. It was organized in cooperation with the Estonian City Union and County Government Union, Harjumaa Municipality Union, the Estonian Parliament, NGO Polis and...
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Population forecast for Viimsi rural municipality

Geomedia is preparing the population forecast for Viimsi rural municipality. The objective is to analyze and forecast the number of residents and changes in age-proportions in the municipality until 2035. The analysis will apply the scenario-building method, on which basis the possible changes of these indicators will be forecasted and future calculations performed.
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Final stage of amalgamation negotiations

Helme, Hummuli, Põdrala rural municipalities and Tõrva city have reached the final stage of local government amalgamation negotiations. From 21st of April until 12th of May 2016 all interested parties can acquaint themselves with the amalgamation project and submit proposals, opinions, comments and objections to it. At the same time,...
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Euroacademia International Conference in Riga

In the framework of the RegPol2 project, Geomedia employee and PhD candidate Bianka Plüschke-Altof participated in the 5th Euroacademia International Conference, which took place in Riga on January, 29-30, 2016. The conference was held under the motto “Re-inventing Eastern Europe” and organized in seven panels, ranging from identity and peripheralization...
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Forum critically scrutinized the amalgamation reform

The amalgamation reform plan has reached the final stage. The draft bill has passed the first reading at the Estonian Parliament and the suggestions for improvement have been presented for second reading. At the “Forum” the topic was discussed by Kalle Laanet, Kajar Lember, Kersti Sarapuu and Artur Talvik as well as by Rivo...
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Local Government Amalgamation Seminar in Pärnu

On the 14th of January 2016 vision seminar concerning on the amalgamation negotiations for the constitution of Lääne-Harju municipality took place in Pärnu. At the seminar, important topics for the amalgamation of Kernu, Nissi as well as Saue urban and rural municipality were discussed: the positioning of the new municipality...