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Management Audit for Saue City

Geomedia is conducting the management and work organization audit for Saue city government. The analysis is carried out using a combination of evaluation methodolodies that take into account the nature of public sector (CAF Common Assessment Framework, EFQM Excellence Model). Instruments of the work include structured interviews, secondary analysis of...
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Summer school for village activists in Jäneda

On 10.-11. September 2016 the Estonian Village Movement Kodukant organized a summer school that took place at the Rural Economy Research Centre in Jäneda. The meeting focused on the question how to deal with changes on the community level? The points of discussion were the possibilities to enlarge the knowledge...
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Initial Training Network RegPol² secondment

As part of the Initial Training Network RegPol² Martin Graffenberger will be seconded to Geomedia during March and April 2016. Martin holds a degree in Economic Geography and is usually based at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) in Leipzig, Germany. His project investigates innovation activities of businesses that...
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Summer conference on local government development

On the 25th of August 2016 a conference took place in the Aruküla community house entitled „Local government as base for Estonia’s recovery – maybe even a change engine!“. The traditional conference organized by NGO Polis and its partners was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Estonia regaining its independence....
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Amalgamation reform varieties in Pärnumaa

Geomedia prepares a comparison of theoretical amalgamation reform models for Pärnumaa county, where it analyses different alternatives for organizing local government work in the light of the ongoing amalgamation reform. The criteria for alternative choices evolve from the tasks of local governments and the capacity conditions for their fulfillment, the preconditions for public offices, the...
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Meeting with Armenian Delegation

On the 12th of September 2016, Geomedia welcomed a delegation from Armenia. Members of the delegation belonged to the Eurasia Partnership Foundation, the Communities Finance Officers Association, the Information Systems and Training Center and included also several journalists. The main topic of the meeting were Estonia’s experiences with the administrative...
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Urban and rural municipality days 2016

The annual training event of local governments – the urban and rural municipality days – have become a tradition that already takes place for the 9th time. At this year’s meeting on March, 16-17, the main topic of the fair is „local governments in a changing world“. During the meeting, 2-day seminars, topic introductions...
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Development Plan and Budget Strategy of Viimsi Rural Municipality, 2018-2022

In its session on the 19^th of September 2017, the council of Viimsi rural municipality has approved the development plan and budgeting  strategy 2018-2022. With this step, the former two documents were united  into one. It makes the strategical objectives of the municipality and  the necessary resources to achieve them more...
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Local Government Amalgamation Negotiations in Valgamaa

In the newspaper “Valgamaalane” an interview was published with Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv under the headline “Municipality amalgamation is like tailoring a custom-made suit”. At the focus of the article were general developments in the local government amalgamation reform. Above all, it concentrated on the amalgamation negotiations of Helme, Hummuli,...
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Evaluation of Local Governments’ public services

Geomedia Ltd and the Centre for Applied Social Sciences of the  University of Tartu compose a general conceptual framework for the evaluation of local governments’ public services, As a result, the  designed method will be tested and data analyzed. The method offers the opportunity to evaluate the capacity of the Estonian local...