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OÜ GEOMEDIA geomedia@geomedia.ee +372 5132 414


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Local Government Leaders’ program

A consortium consisting of Geomedia OÜ, Cumulus Consulting OÜ and Implement Consulting OÜ is conducting a local government leaders’ development program. The objective of the training is to rise the knowledge of local government leaders on local and regional level development, which includes the ability to analyse development processes, plan...
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European Union Baltic Sea Strategy

Within the framework of the European Union Baltic Sea Strategy a conference on “The European Union Baltic Sea Region Strategy & European Territorial Cooperation programmes in 2014+” was organized on the 23rd of September 2014. Topics of discussion were Estonia’s participation perspective and experiences with Baltic Sea region’s territorial cooperation. Geomedia...
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Thematic paper on state governance reform

Geomedia took contributed to the preparation of the thematic paper on state governance reform initiated by the Estonian think tank PRAXIS, titled “Trustworthy, capable and affordable state. Elections 2015”. The paper provides a short overview of the problems that influence the governance of Estonia today and in the near future...
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Local Government Amalgamation Expert Service Rendering

Geomedia successfully applied to the tender on „Local Government Units’ Amalgamation conducive Expert Service Rendering“ by Enterprise Estonia (EAS). As a result of the tender, Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv was elected to advise local governments with the wish to amalgate. Altogether, seven consultants were elected, which in cooperation with the...
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County council meeting

Under the lead of Pärnu municipality government’s union, a county council was initiated in Kilingi-Nõmme (Saarde parish) on the 26th of September 2014. The meeting was also an anniversary, as the county council has been held already for the fifth time. This time, the objective was the renewal of Pärnumaa...
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The financial analysis of Viljandi town and municipality

When considering local government amalgamation, financial management aspects are among important matters. In Viljandi’s case, the focus was set on two questions: 1) would the amalgamation enable achieving better access / quality of local government services to its inhabitants? 2) would the amalgamation improve the investment capability of the local...
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Development Plan Training Course at Kadrina municipality

In cooperation of Geomedia and Kadrina municipality, a training course focusing on the design and update of development plans was organized for different interest groups. The objective was to harmonize the understanding and knowledge of developing and implementing development plans as well as to achieve the support of target groups...
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Tartu urban region development

Tartu municipality’s five local governments – Tartu city, Luunja parish, Tartu parish, Tähtvere parish and Ülenurme parish – in cooperation with Geomedia are drawing up Tartu’s urban region sustainable development plan 2014-2020, which marks coordinated efforts to strengthen the people’s living quality and to grow the region’s competitive strength. The...
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ECPR Methods Winter School in Bamberg

In the framework of the RegPol² project, Geomedia took part in the 4th Winter School in Methods and Techniques, which took place from 13th February – 20th February 2015 in the university town of Bamberg. The winter school was organized by the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and offered...
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ESPON programm’s

The Local Government Capacity Index considers the ESPON program’s territorial development and observatory network publication “Estonia’s colours on European maps” (2014). ESPON offers a comparative regional evaluation of territorial trends and development monitoring, expert analysis and future scenarios. Geomedia took part in the ESPON program project work “Territorial Monitoring for...