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OÜ GEOMEDIA geomedia@geomedia.ee +372 5132 414


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Training event in Hiiumaa

On October 30, 2012 Geomedia organised a training event in Hiiumaa titled “Preparing local and county-wide developmental documents for managing change”. The participants of the training were the members the island’s local governments, county government officials and members of non-governmental organizations. The event was part of the preparation process of...
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Meeting with the Youth to School Foundation

Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv met with the Youth to School Foundation on the topic of the Estonian administrative organization and regional development. Together they discussed the future trends for Estonia and had a look at the different pillars of centralization/decentralization in state governance. At the centre of the discussion was...
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Conference “Europe Day with Leader”

On May 9, 2012 a conference called “Europe Day with Leader” was held at Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, which focused on the 2007-2013 development policy for Estonian rural life and the implementation of the Leader Program. The event was addressed to everybody, who is interested in rural development and counted...
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About the administrative reform

“Koduvald” – the newspaper of Saue rural municipality published Rivo Noorkõiv’s article titled “The spiral staircase of governing a country”. The author published his opinion on the thesises by the Minister for Regional Affairs on the reform of local governments. The administrative reform is a question of power. The changes...
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Think tanks on Tartu’s future

Within the framework of the renewal of Tartu’s 2030 Strategy, Geomedia in cooperation with Tartu city government initiates think tanks, which focus on the discussion of Tartu’s future. Until today the exchange of ideas has centred on the role and position of Tartu as a second city next to the...
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The second inclusion seminar for the compilation of “Tartu County 2030”

On May 11, 2012 the second inclusion seminar for the compilation of “Tartu County 2030” regional strategy was held with almost 50 participants from various fields of activities.The main focus of the event was centered at defining key areas for this strategy and the main tasks needed to undertake in...
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Baltic Sea Strategy

An international conference called “The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and topical legal and economic issues, including insolvency” was held between November 8-9, 2012. The second panel of the conference focused on the collaboration between public, private and the third sector as well as the cooperation networks in...
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Local government civil servants’ need for training

An estimated number of more than 5.000 officials work in local government service. Considering the requirement of each service position and the educational background of the officials, the objective of this work is to analyze, how critical and massive the future need for special training of local government officials related...
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Lääne-Nigula municipal development plan 2014-2022

In cooperation with Lääne-Nigula parish and Geomedia, development plan 2014-2022 for Lääne-Nigula was prepared and confirmed by the municipal council. This is the first time for the parish after the amalgamation. The development plan unites the data of the former Risti, Taebla and Oru municipalities and future perspectives. The objective...
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Tallinn updates its development plan

Geomedia is counselling the renewal of Tallinn’s city development plan 2016-2021. In the course of this work a situation analysis is conducted, also the strategic aims and operational priorities of the capital city are updated for the four coming years. The ambition is to increase the strategic importance of the development plan in governing...