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Development seminar at Jõgeva

Within the framework of the development plan creation for Jõgeva rural municipality, the third development seminar took place at the Jõgeva government center on June, 16. 2015. Whereas at the last seminars, the focus lied on the evaluation of the situation of the local government, needs for change and defining policies for their implementation...
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Amalgamation discussions in Sangaste

On citizens‘ initiative amalgamation discussions took place between representatives of the municipality councils of Sangaste, Puka, Palupera and Õru. The idea of forming a rural municipality in the region was discussed as well as the potential changes on the local level caused by the administrative reform. The meeting was moderated by Geomedia consultant Rivo Noorkõiv....
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The work related competences of local government officials

For the training of local government officials, so far there is no central institution in Estonia. Hence, the trainings are mainly influenced by a market-driven model. The trends show that the driving forces for in-service training are, above all, the changing demands of the professional work, developments in technology and the growth of network-based...
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Amalgamation experience conference

Organized by the Ministry of Finance, a conference took place on 20th of October in Marjamaa, focusing on experiences and lessons learned from amalgamation processes and on ways to carry out the proposed local government reform. Presentations were given by local government officials and representatives of different organizations, who analyzed...
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Municipality amalgamation discussion in Valgamaa

In the county of Valgamaa amalgamation negotiations have started between the three rural municipalities of Helme, Hummuli, Põdrala and the urban municipality of Tõrva. With this decision, the four municipalities move in the direction of creating an amalgamated municipality based on the Mulgi regional identity. The historical fundament of Helme...
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Local Government Development Plan Training

On the 22nd of October, Geomedia organized a training for employees of the Office for Social Security, who are engaged as advisors on child protection in local municipalities. Following the changes in the law for child protection in 2016, the observance of children rights and wellbeing should also be reflected...
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Municipality amalgamation discussion in Valgamaa

In the county of Valgamaa amalgamation negotiations have started between the three rural municipalities of Helme, Hummuli, Põdrala and the urban municipality of Tõrva. With this decision, the four municipalities move in the direction of creating an amalgamated municipality based on the Mulgi regional identity. The historical basement of Helme...
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Second RegPol2 School in Leipzig, Germany

Organized by the RegPol2 consortium, another doctoral school took place from October, 26 to October, 30 2015 in Leipzig. The school focused on topics linked to peripheralization, which were discussed as a basic for scientific research in general and the dissertation projects of the international project participants in particular. In the course of the...
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Management Audit for Saue City

Geomedia is conducting the management and work organization audit for Saue city government. The analysis is carried out using a combination of evaluation methodolodies that take into account the nature of public sector (CAF Common Assessment Framework, EFQM Excellence Model). Instruments of the work include structured interviews, secondary analysis of...
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Summer school for village activists in Jäneda

On 10.-11. September 2016 the Estonian Village Movement Kodukant organized a summer school that took place at the Rural Economy Research Centre in Jäneda. The meeting focused on the question how to deal with changes on the community level? The points of discussion were the possibilities to enlarge the knowledge...